> On 07/14/2016 04:51 PM, katerim...@sigaint.org wrote:
>>> On 07/14/2016 10:39 AM, katerim...@sigaint.org wrote:
>>>> Good day
>>>> I'm using a VPN in sys-net and would setup firewall rules to stop
>>>> internet
>>>> connection if VPN crash. In sys-net isn't possible to insert ip
>>>> addresses,
>>>> then I did it in sys-firewall. With some tests I saw that if VPN
>>>> disconnect suddenly, sys-net finds my wifi network and doesn't break
>>>> the
>>>> connection, as I would. How can I solve this? (in the proxyVMs all
>>>> work
>>>> well)
>>>> Thank you
>>> Take a look at https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/vpn/
>>> For leak protection and security it is best to set up a vpn client in a
>>> proxy vm, between sys-net and the appvms. You can follow the
>>> instructions from the doc "Using iptables and openvpn", or use the
>>> firewall script as an example. The two critical commands that prevent
>>> leaks (in the proxy vm configuration) are:
>>> iptables -I FORWARD -o eth0 -j DROP
>>> iptables -I FORWARD -i eth0 -j DROP
>>> This means that no forwarding can take place involving the
>>> upstream/clearnet interface eth0, so the only way out is through the
>>> vpn
>>> tunnel.
>>> Chris
>> Hi Chris
>> Thank you for the explanation, I want to know if I can use firewall tab
>> in
>> sys-net (or sys-firewall) like I have done in proxyVM because I have
>> also
>> a VPN in sys-net. If it isn't possible, do I change ip tables in sys-net
>> while in all the other proxyVMs I use firewall tab?
>> Regards
> The firewall tab (in any vm) is not a good place to add this restriction
> even if it did accept that kind of rule (which it does not). The best
> way is to run the vpn client in a separate proxy vm, and set the
> firewall rules with the qubes-firewall-user-script in that vm as shown
> in the doc.
> You can try to use qubes-firewall-user-script in the netvm, but I think
> this approach is untested. Of course, by Qubes standards it is insecure.
> Chris

I see also other commands but haven't understood what mean (qvpn group?)

Thank you

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