On Sun, Oct 09, 2016 at 05:04:05PM +0200, Tobias Kah wrote:
> I did what the Documentation for Multibooting said and added Stanzas for
> Windows and Linux Mint to Grub 2 to /etc/grub.d/40_custom after installing
> Qubes.
> My Partitions are the following:
> *sda1 "DellUtility" vfat*
> *sda2 "RECOVERY" ntfs*
> *sda3 "OS" ntfs*
> *sda4 extended*
> *sda7 Qubes ext4*
> *sda8 Qubes crypto_LUKS*
> *sda5 Linux Mint Swap *
> *sda6 Linux Mint ext4*
> My /etc/grub.d/40_custom looks like this after adding the stanzas:
> *#!/bin/sh*
> *exec tail -n +3 $0####*
> *menuentry "Linux Mint 18" {*
> *set root=(hd0,5)*
> *chainloader +1*
> *}*
> *menuentry "Winodws 7" {*
> *insmod part_msdos*
> *insmod ntldr*
> *insmod ntfs*
> *ntldr (hd0,2)/bootmgr*
> *}*
> I've tried out all possible partitions for root=() and ntldr () but the
> Linux always gives me "error: Invalid Signature. Press any key to continue."
> Did I do any mistake while editing the 40_custom file?
> For Windows I get something like
> *"Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be
> the cause. To fix this problem:*
> *1. Insert your Windows installation disk*
> *2. Choose language*
> *3. Click repair your computer*
> *file: \boot\BCD*
> *Status: 0xc0000225*
> *Info: An error occurred while attempting to read the boot configuration
> data."*
> Is that really necessary (I don't have such a disk)? There should not have
> been made any changes to the Windows Partition so I do not understand why
> it won't boot...
> I really appreciate any ideas on how to fix this issue.

This is grub2, which numbers partitions from 1.
So your entry is pointing to sda5 which is apparently the Mint swap.
Change it to hd0,6

Similarly you're pointing at the windows RECOVERY partition.


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