Am 03.11.2016 um 19:51 schrieb Marek Marczykowski-Górecki:
> Really is all that needed? I'd guess you need to have the window visible
> during calibration only, which means it should be ok to manually switch
> it to fullscreen (from titlebar menu) for that time only. As for the
> brightness - is it ok to set it manually?

If you take a closer look at the W540's hand rest area you'll notice a
small camera-like device. This is a built-in colorimeter. The Windows
software coming with it is about the worst piece of "I have to ignore
all kinds of security" trash I've ever seen. It is running as "local
system" in order to control screen brightness and turn the screen
on/interdict sleep while the lid is closed in order to run. I can't
really imagine anyone really wanting to use it (considering the fact
that the Windows software is carrying about 100MB into your system,
parts of it having more privileges than Administrator – who needs that
much stuff for calculationg a color profile using specialized hardware?).

So yes, the software seems to need those rights (including modifying
screen brightness during measurement, at least in the case of Lenovo).

> Of course in practice calibration software may not like those
> constrains...

I would bet on it. Maybe Zrubi can bribe you with 5kg of assorted
chocolate to try it yourself (some years ago this used to
be quite good currency to convince developers).


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