On 11/09/2016 08:46 AM, SEC Tester wrote:
I've considered leaving network lock off, and building my own custom IP Tables, 
or firewall rules to stop the leaks.

But this is currently beyond my skill set, so would need some hand holding to 
learn what to do.

I have looked at the section here on the Qubes site on how to stop leaks using 
scripts, but its kinda confusing, and looks like its for a CLI approach, when i 
would prefer to have my AirVPN GUI for convince.


The VPN doc definitely uses scripts to block leaks. However, the editing of files is kept to a minimum as its mostly copy and paste.

The two basic things the scripts do are block all direct forwarding to/from eth0 (the Qubes uplink interface), and setup DNAT rules that allow DNS requests to be tunneled. This is roughly analogous to running:

iptables -I FORWARD -o eth0 -j DROP
iptables -I FORWARD -i eth0 -j DROP
(during firewall setup)

(triggered by the openvpn 'up' script command which runs after openvpn puts new DNS values in /etc/resolv.conf)

To use the VPN doc scripts with the AirVPN GUI wrapper, you could try running the GUI program under the 'qvpn' group, granting it access to the net. Or you could change the policy of the OUTPUT chain to ACCEPT to bypass the group restriction, which doesn't affect leak prevention for forwarded traffic.


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