On Wednesday, November 9, 2016 at 10:25:47 AM UTC-5, Desobediente wrote:
> If you just want to move files in the old fashion way and not entire AppVM in 
> the sense that the AppVMs should remain in the original drive, in other 
> words, if you want to be able to remove the other hard drive from the system 
> and will useit mainly for storage of large files,
> then the answers are more questions:
> is your qubes system encrypted?
> do you need the files to be encrypted?
> If you are willing to accept common knowledge as advice, then yes, you shall 
> encrypt everything every time, unless there are reasons not to. For example, 
> encrypted disks will make data unavailable to data recovery for an obvious 
> reason. If the data is not sensitive and it should remain forever 
> recoverable, that could be a reason not to encrypt data, but that is one 
> exception of the above rule.
> Anyway, if this is your case, it should be simple as attaching the disk into 
> any AppVM and running the GNOME Disks application. I'm not sure what's the 
> name of that in the KDE and XFCE desktops, but i know that if you call it via 
> terminal, it's gnome-disks.
> From there it should be straightforward, but there is this tutorial in the 
> Tails website if you want: 
> https://tails.boum.org/doc/encryption_and_privacy/encrypted_volumes/index.en.html

In the future I would probably store large files (or collections of large files 
like music) but for now I had in mind at least storing some of my templateVM 
copies as I have a backup copy of each template (and the WinHVM is taking up an 
esp large amt of space). 

As for my Qubes system, its def encrypted, that part I am sure of.

My general thought is, better to be safe than sorry. The exception I could 
think of is if I had short-term bkups (I do "long term" bkups on an ext drive) 
on this drive they are encrypted but most everything else I figure, why not 

So gnome-disks, I think that will be pretty straight forward, but when I want 
to open it I'd have to go to a VM -> file manager and enter a passwd everytime 
... I think? (trying to wrap my head around this). If I wanted something a bit 
automatic like the https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/secondary-storage/ option, is 
there a way the drive could automatically be mounted/decrypted so that template 
backups could be accessed (and updated, wouldn't want out of date templates).


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