> On Tuesday, February 23, 2016 at 1:54:30 AM UTC-8, Marek Marczykowski-Górecki 
> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA256
>> On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 04:11:55AM +0000, Rusty Bird wrote:
>>> marmarek:
>>>> On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 08:52:43PM +0000, Rusty Bird wrote:
>>>>> Though even now it should be possible to use AEM without TXT?
>>>>> Just don't install the SINIT blob, in which case *only* the LUKS 
>>>>> header(s) would be protected by the TPM.
>>>> But not having xen/kernel/initrd measured means AEM is pretty 
>>>> useless. The whole purpose is to verify the thing that prompt you
>>>> for LUKS passphrase. Without such measurement you'll have no way
>>>> to really know if those binaries were even loaded from your USB
>>>> stick (and not from some additional one plugged in by the attacker,
>>>> for example).
>>> If the order is fixed, i.e. USB before SATA, and you don't see another
>>> USB drive sticking into the notebook you left at home, then the part in
>>> parentheses wouldn't apply?
>> It is easy enough to hide USB device inside the USB socket itself (those
>> devices are small these days). Or inside your notebook (for example
>> instead of bluetooth card, which is also USB device in most cases).
>> Some more sophisticated attack would be installing some "USB proxy" in
>> USB socket. Which would hijack only initramfs reads. You'll not see
>> any additional USB device in the system in that case.
>>>> Such replaced initrd script can present still unmodified LUKS
>>>> header to TPM, unseal the secret, show it to you, then record LUKS 
>>>> passphrase.
>>> But Xen/kernel/initrd are on the AEM stick you take with you, so the
>>> attacker would have to modify the BIOS. In which case TXT wouldn't help
>>> much, because a BIOS rootkit can effectively hide itself from TXT if I
>>> understand Joanna right.
>> But attack hidden from TXT is much more complex than attack simply
>> changing boot order. It all depends on your threat model.
>>>>> If a per-boot BIOS password has been set, maybe this kind of
>>>>> setup is even sort of reasonable?
>>>> You are joking, aren't you?
>>> Not really. If these assumptions are correct:
>>> 1. a BIOS rootkit can hide itself from TXT;
>>> 2. an attacker who can boot their own medium can, more and more
>>>    probably, also persist such a rootkit in the BIOS;
>>> 3. there are no BIOS master password lists anymore (are there?),
>>>    or other easy password prompt bypasses (are option ROMs loaded
>>>    early enough from ExpressCards?);
>> I wouldn't rely on BIOS password protection. It failed so many times
>> in the history, so I can't assume that magically now BIOS vendors
>> learned how to do it properly.
>>> then it seems to me that a per-boot BIOS password without TXT could work
>>> out better than the converse, TXT without a PBBP. Not to say that both
>>> together aren't best though!
>>> AEM protecting the LUKS header would still be (barely) worthwhile
>>> without TXT, if it's easier / faster / less conspicuous for the attacker
>>> to take out the HDD and rewrite a few blocks than to infect the BIOS.
>>> (BTW Marek, regarding VM random seeds: Have you considered somehow
>>> harnessing whatever it is that Thunderbird+Enigmail use to place line
>>> breaks in my mails after I hit send)
> Just bought a laptop with a Skylake processor for running Qubes, and from 
> looking around on Intel's website it appears that no Skylake Core-branded 
> processors support Intel TXT. Any point in running Anti-Evil-Maid at this 
> point? Can I use a YubiKey to store hashes of the xen/initramfs and use that 
> for AEM? (probably not, since it's a USB device?)

I was just looking around for information on AMT/ME a minute ago. It appears 
that some Skylake Core i5/i7's do support TXT. (On their website, TXT might 
fall under the umbrella of vPro.)

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