W dniu niedziela, 1 stycznia 2017 16:35:59 UTC+1 użytkownik Andrew David Wong 
> Hash: SHA512
> On 2017-01-01 07:31, Pawel Debski wrote:
> > Folks,
> > 
> > when I run out of space, how do I increase /home filesystem in my personal 
> > domain?
> > 
> > Best regards
> > PD
> > 
> Qubes VM Manager -> Select VM -> VM Settings -> Increase "Private storage 
> max. size" -> OK
> - -- 
> Andrew David Wong (Axon)
> Community Manager, Qubes OS
> https://www.qubes-os.org
> 71luvDtJiS64QHy8XSlTIE8zRNZTxMfEJ0pvGO4qy3syyCiwhba1qGxBLt2hwEmf
> 3w+295SxbaW19ZhN1X1aYw9ho8mPjayIZ23kOgHSP3OpV2Gvnl3Xe4XQjCziud0N
> vmDgBeyKr/Kn6eqUp8OtBA6dDpIf4v89idPpRtbKPB8ltQaKpg7rZtnEJaLmBQPP
> /OEt5AdALbrozFJTqQro/8YGm2RC6iLG3wgQhBGNgeMoLcEz/3CjOKIZHlNUyx3J
> HuNVBlYfCQ9I80Xj8Yxxei07a29NBkUlMbRwl/Vf4eue+IxiPVIsDwsqbYKq2GvQ
> W7qMFprZkFatl5SJiVRtc7zMGkPoNc0lcpwauT6CPh7Z65qui2F7yo7XTr8wNGZm
> D1aVDky0nTtt8hfc6KyCMNxpwvIE8fSkLY9qhFPFLlPZhAzfa+D9vx/xe+aijXmo
> lr7BXnvKOq8m91AL8SqBIDBW+bAkQArdd8ySsPRYdT0OuEuZh1ywQGakBEEaqipZ
> as6wxBCnRK3o+yiCzbuetY2rV/+nj+Qdsc+6hO/2O9E65n0RH6LOP4aVL+2AC0QC
> nNjTTO2zhlWQnvVoOxB4VLiRs7GkwBAZQ7sFLgHYWGpsNu6ZOsky85OLsR1bWwiI
> /6YLLVbeBoCtTglZ+CfZ
> =EDB8

Thanks Andrew,

that's what I exactly did and it works. However could you please either point 
me to the docs or explain how /home actually works.

What I usually do on other distros (physical install) is that I have a separate 
filesystem mounted on /home.

On Qubes however, when I do:

[user@fedora-usb ~]$ df
Filesystem         1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/dmroot  10190136 5834236   3815228  61% /
/dev/xvdd             388480  152867    215133  42% 
devtmpfs              177280       0    177280   0% /dev
tmpfs                1048576     364   1048212   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs                 184212     848    183364   1% /run
tmpfs                 184212       0    184212   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs                1048576      12   1048564   1% /tmp
/dev/xvdb            4062912  584324   3462204  15% /rw
tmpfs                  36844      20     36824   1% /run/user/1000

which one is actually /home filesystem?

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