Il giorno sabato 11 febbraio 2017 22:47:32 UTC+1, ha scritto:
> I've "fixed it" by modifying the GDM config file and setting it to 
> automatically login without entering credentials.
> Not entirely happy tho, this won't create a xorg.conf file, and when I try to 
> generate 1 with X -configure :1 I get an error saying it failed as number of 
> created screens do not match number of detected devices. This means I'm stuck 
> with 640x480 for now...
> Any ideas are appreciated!

hello, I too have problems to change resolution.
Kali has by default a strange resolution, even to me by a gray bar below.
I tried changing resolution with xrandr but without results, I always found 
myself with the screen unusable and unable to gain access to the keyboard 
commands in the guest os.
If you can still help, I can at least access to 800x600 putting this command at 
startup (E key) in Grub (instead of quiet) put vga=792. You can also put this 
persistent setting in the Grub configuration file, but maybe it would be better 
to use the new command gfxpayload=resolution.

For Windows 10 instead I can not set the 1366x768 resolution, other resolutions 
work. I think it is the fault of the Xen drive.

I hope someone help both.

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