Hi Vít,

On Sat, Mar 04, 2017 at 09:53:31AM -0800, Vít Šesták wrote:
> Holger, restore is already implemented in some basic form. (I havre mentioned 
> it here on Mar 1.) 

I'm sorry, I was wrong indeed and a bit too sarcastic too. I guess this was
due to your initial mail where there was no restore yet…

> Both backup and restore are equally important: Without backup you have 
> nothing to restore from.

well, true. But if you don't regularily test what you backup and test that you
can actually restore, your backup is rather worthless. You don't want to find
out your restore is broken, once your regular install is gone…

> Feel free to try it

I'm sorry, I'm at my limits…

> On testing: Some basic manual test passed, but I should create automated 
> tests. (Maybe integration tests are more important than unit tests here – 
> after ali, it mostly integrates existing products together.)

I think so, yes.
> You can test restore scenario (at some level) now:
> 1. Backup.
> 2. Create new BackupStorageVM and new config directory for restore testing.
> 3. Run restore (./backup --action=restore other-args…) with specified config 
> directory and VM name template. For example, you specify template 
> “restore-testing-%” in order to add prefix “restore-testing-”.
> 4. Verify that restored VMs contain the desired data.

cool. Is that documented in your git repo too or just here? :)

and really: thank you very much for working on making the backup experience of
Qubes better. That's very very much appreciated!


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