On 03/06/2017 02:55 PM, Unman wrote:
>>     self._update_libvirt_domain()
>>   File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/qubes/modules/000QubesVm.py",
>> line 755, in _update_libvirt_domain
>>     raise e
>> libvirt.libvirtError: operation failed: domain 'debian-8-dvm' already
>> exists with uuid 61320a0c2-1e2a-4bff-b064-29fe587619b8
>> Bernhard
> Look here:
> www.qubes-os.org/doc/remove-vm-manually
> That libvirt error sghows that you have a redundant entry in the db,
> which you need to remove.
> Then try creating the dvmTemplate again. Remember, no sudo!

Hello Unman, I looked at your link.

|1) rm -rf is done. 2) qvm-remove --just-db debian-8-dvm says "there is
no VM with this name.." (and he's right!) 3) in|||~/.local/share/applications/ 
there no thing such as |debian-8-dvm*
There is debian-8-gnome-terminal.desktop
debian-8-gpk-application.desktop and
debian-8-qubes-appmenu-select.desktop I won't touch these, will I ??
Still, the error persists. Find finds no debian-8-dvm* file in /var ...
I also find -type f -size -1M -exec grep -il debian-8-dvm \{} \;
verifyied my /var: no debian-8-dvm string wheresoever. However, I found
/etc/libvirt/libxl/debian-8-dvm.xml I moved it to 
|||/etc/libvirt/libxl/debian-8-dvm.xml|.old to see what happens, but the
error persists still. Desparate ... any ideas? Bernhard |

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