On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 11:59 PM, Sam Hentschel <hentsche...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey all!
> So far so good with QubesOS on my end.  Have almost everything up and
> running to have this as my daily carry.  It's amazing how little RAM all
> these VMs actually require; and the CPU!  None!
> Anyways, I am having some trouble configuring my DispVMs to allow me to
> use them for printing and scanning.  The protocols and software for
> printing and scanning are both, as I recall, highly insecure.  In
> addition, the devices that use them (i.e. printer, scanners) should be
> considered to be backdoored or owned already.
> I wanted to make it so that when I want to print something, I open up
> the file in a DispVM and print it from there.  I then thought that I
> could approximately do the same thing with scanning.  Open up a DispVM
> that is running simple-scan, scan the file into the DispVM and then copy
> it over to the VM that I want.
> By doing it this way I should be able to move out all the vulnerable
> printer and scanner code, and my AppVMs will never directly touch those
> devices or protocols.  Instead they will be hidden behind the realtive
> safety of the Qubes file copy mechanism.

An interesting goal. In practice I'm not sure what real benefit you'd
get from using a DispVM vs. just a regular stateful AppVM (assuming
you just use one printer/scanner). Presumably what you care about in
this context is confidentiality of your documents. Your
printer/scanner is by its very nature in a perfect position to steal
your documents, and likely also has a means to store or transmit them.
This seems true regardless of whether or not your printer/scanner can
compromise or persistently compromise a VM (which only deals with
printer drivers and documents the printer will know anyway).

If you use multiple printers, then I can see an argument for wanting
separate AppVMs per printer, and if you constantly use different
printers then sure I guess DispVMs make sense. Is this the case?

In other words, I'm curious what threat you're actually trying to
mitigate by doing this.

> I tried to follow the documentation page:
> - show internal VMs
> - run gnome-terminal in fedora-23-dvm
> - install and configure the necessary applications and hardware devices
> - touch the /home/user/.qubes-dispvm-customized
> - shutdown the VM
> - regenerate the DispVM template using: qvm-create-default-dvm
>   --default-template
> When I opened up a DispVM the software was nowhere to be found (opened
> up Firefox, right clicked on the DispVM in the VM Manager and ran
> gnome-terminal).  When I reopen fedora-23-dvm the software is nowhere to
> be found.  So I believe either I am doing something stupid, or the
> documentation has it wrong.  I did notice that the DispVMs start with a
> ttemplate of fedora-23.  So then do they not actually use the
> fedora-23-dvm template like it says?

If you want to make additional software available, then do so in the
template of the dispvm (in your case fedora-23 (but you should really
update to fedora-24!)).

You can think of the process of customizing a DispVM like creating a
new AppVM. Software that should be available on every run belongs in
its template. Local state (/home, etc.) happens in the AppVM.
Customizing the DispVM template is like customizing an AppVM that you
then take a snapshot of and duplicate each time you want a new DispVM.
In practice this is similar to how it's actually implemented.

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