
I've found an easy way to play DVDs adding a few packages to my Debian Template based multimedia App VM.
Scroll down for a short installation howto.

On 05/08/2017 09:06 PM, cooloutac wrote:
On Monday, May 8, 2017 at 2:25:51 PM UTC-4, Ted Brenner wrote:
Yeah, I've just struggled with installing the libraries to play protected 
content. The documentation for Linux doesn't seem to be very good nor very 
up-to-date. But I can attach the DVD in an AppVM and I do have VLC installed. 
Just can't get over the next hurdle.

On Mon, May 8, 2017 at 2:15 PM, Ted Brenner <griz...@gmail.com> wrote:

I've struggled with multimedia as well. I've just been trying to play a DVD
but not be able to get it to work. Though I think this is not a Qubes issue
so much as a Linux issue. I have an old Mac that use for this so I haven't
been highly motivated to make it work. But I'm definitely interested in what
others find as I'd like to have one computer that can solve all my needs.
for HBO and stuff like that you need install HAL and flash and use firefox.

Another option instead of installing flash is intall pipelight and enable 
wildvine and flash throught that.   Another option for netflix is to enable 
silverlight through that if you rather use ff for netflix.

To play DVDs within Qubes I have used my new multimedia App VM (which can also play Spotify and Netflix, see post from yesterday).
The multimedia App-VM is based on the Debian 8 Template in Qubes 3.2

Some suggested to install the whole desktop within the Debian Image, I don't want to install everything but only the stuff, that is really needed.
As such I have looked at the Debian documentation

1. Launch Debian 8 Template VM and install the Qubes Proxy Tools, so
   that you can pass your (external?) DVD-Drive via sys-usb to the
   multimedia App-VM. Strangely the qubes-usb-proxy seems to be
   installed within the fedora template but not in the debian template.

   In Debian Template VM:
   sudo apt-get install qubes-usb-proxy

   Install libdbdread4 from the default repositories:

   In Debian Template VM:
   apt-get install libdvdread4

3. Install libdvdcss for the decryption of CSS protected-DVDs.
   Because of license restrictions in various countries this can't be
   done from the Debian repositories but needs to be installed manually.
   (not that hard :-)).
   Download the packaged .deb from:

   In Debian Template VM:
   sudo dpkg -i libdvdcss2_1.3.0-dmo1_amd64.deb

4. I like to use VLC to playback Video/DVDs - you might want to use
   another player, but VLC works fine.
   As this is not installed in the default Debian Template:

   In Debian Template VM:
   sudo apt-get install vlc

   This will also install some dependencies.

5. Shutdown the Debian Template VM and launch your multimedia App VM

6. Plugin your external USB DVD-Drive (if you don't have an internal
   drive) and pass it to the multimedia App VM

   In dom0:
   qvm-usb -a multimedia sys-usb:3-6

7. Launch VLC

   qvm-run multimedia vlc

   Warning: a window will open in the background which will ask for
   collecting metadata information.
   I haven't seen the window as it was covered by the VLC main window,
   so that I couldn't launch any commands in this window.

8. Open DVD within VLC:
   Media > Open Disk
   You can leave the defaults (/dev/sr0) and just hit play

Enjoy your DVD, I'll try to add this to the Qubes documentation if this is not present.


- P

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