On 05/09/2017 08:37 AM, Gaiko Kyofusho wrote:
Doh... I was hoping there was another (safe) way, but can do that, just
need to get myself in the habit I guess.
You could add a rule like this to the top of your FORWARD chain:
-I FORWARD -i vif+ -o eth0 -d lan_subnet_here -j ACCEPT
Depending on how your VPN provider configured the VPN route commands,
this may allow your VMs to talk to the LAN through the VPN VM. But there
is no easy way to (consistently) allow this for only particular appVMs
and there is the risk that a compromised appVM could attack devices on
your LAN, identify you to third parties, etc.
Chris Laprise, tas...@openmailbox.org
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