'PR' via qubes-users <qubes-users@googlegroups.com> [2017-05-16 11:01 +0200]:
> I am able to launch Keepass from my vault AppVM:
> [user@vault ~] qvm-run '$dispvm' keepass
> this opens up keepass in a new disposable App VM.
> How can I pass my keepass file to this AppVM, so that it will be opened.

"qvm-open-in-dvm path/to/file.kdbx" to open in a new DispVM

"qvm-open-in-vm vmname path/to/file.kdbx" to open existing VM.

But why would you want to open your Keepass file in another VM? You can
copy any text (username, password, ...) from one VM's clipboard to the
Qubes clipboard with ctrl+shift+c and move it from there to another VM's
clipboard with ctrl+shift+v.


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