The only right question is: it depends.

Running many VMs does not imply you can utilize many cores. Scenarios like 
running sys-net, sys-firewall, sys-usb, a MusicVM, a WiresharkVM, an EmailVM 
and a WebBrowserVM is running many VMs at once, but maybe none of them will 
consume significant amount of CPU. Such situations are OK on my dualcore 
i7-7500U. Some VMs will be rather idle most of the time, some may consume 
rather I/O than CPU etc.

When considering many busy VMs running at once, it sounds rather like some 
server deployment than personal computer. But I admit there might be some such 
cases. Maybe you need to run multiple 
compilation/rendering/computation/whatever tasks simultaneously or you have 
some tasks that can utilize multiple cores at once. If that's your case, then 
many cores is probably a good choice.

Anyway, Qubes does not differ a much from other OSes in terms of CPU 
utilization. You are likely to have more VMs, but each of the VMs will likely 
use fewer resources. I see two differences in CPU utilization between QubesOS 
and traditional OSes like Ubuntu:

* Some virtualization-related overhead and some (usually not much 
CPU-intensive) processes run in multiple instances. I see this as rather minor 
overhead. And if this is your concern, you might be still more concerned about 
per-core performance than number of cores.
* GPU emulation overhead. In Qubes, no VM except dom0 has access to the GPU, so 
some tasks are done on the CPU instead of GPU. In 3D games, this can cause high 
CPU load. Moreover, such load can utilize multiple CPU cores (up to 8).[1] 
OpenSWR can utilize even more cores, but my experiments with OpenSWR[2] weren't 
encouraging as a general-purpose replacement of LLVMpipe. I haven't tested how 
well llvmpipe scales over CPU cores, but in theory, it should be able to scale 
rather well, as it replaces GPU, which is essentially a CPU with massive (SMT) 

Vít Šesták


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