On Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 09:16:57PM -0700, davidchoy...@gmail.com wrote:
> I have installed qubes os and I can't figure out how to connect to the 
> internet at all. I have no idea what to do and I so far nothing has helped me 
> at all. Please tell me step by step how to connect to the internet after 
> freshly installing
> Qubes 

I'm afraid that without a good deal more information it's quite
difficult to help you. I have no idea what hardware you are using or
what level of experience you have, nor what you have tried to do so far.

In general, the problems of getting online in Qubes are those of getting
online in whatever distro you are using as template for sys-net.
So a first step would be:
1. Search for problems with the NIC and the distro you are using.

The Qubes specific areas:

Make sure that your NIC is assigned to sys-net. (Devices tab on
Open a terminal in sys-net: check boot and any messages.(journalctl
dmesg etc.) In particular, look to see if there are any errors associated
with the NIC.
Check output of lspci, lsusb, 'ip addr' - depending on what type of
device you have assigned to sys-net.

In most cases, the problem is that the NIC requires firmware that isnt
loaded in sys-net.
As with any template based qube, you will have to install the firmware
in the Template used by sys-net. When you do this, remember to close
down the Template and then restart sys-net.


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