On Tue, Aug 1, 2017 at 7:02 AM, Rusty Bird <rustyb...@openmailbox.org> wrote:
> Zrubi:
>> So I would really appreciate some statement if Qubes will really drop
>> KDE support. I can accept that, but then I not waste my time trying to
>> make it work. Instead focusing to fix the XFCE issues I have ;)
>> - the default login screen is just ugly. I know that this is not the
>> first priority, and not even a technical issue. But new users will see
>> that ugly thing first. So it's should be a Qubes skinned one. at least.
> Or, if the login screen isn't needed anymore (to switch between XFCE
> and KDE), why not get rid of it entirely:
> # mkdir /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d
> # cat >>/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/99-autologin.conf <<END
> [SeatDefaults]
> autologin-user=USERNAME

Consider a briefly-unattended laptop protected by only a lock screen.

Normally the attacker would need a way to kill the X screensaver
without killing the X session. Would the above make crashing the X
session (and thus being dropped back to the display manager which
auto-logs-in) sufficient to gain access?

If so, this sounds like a bad idea (or at least an argument for
something like physlock).

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