On Monday, 18 September 2017 23:07:41 UTC+10, Stumpy  wrote:
> Hi, I have been trying to record (vid/snd) a AppVm window with little 
> luck. I recently tried recordmydesktop, installing it on the appvm I 
> wanted to record, and it just about borked my system, like the entire 
> screen turned white and I couldn't bring up a term win, or swtch to any 
> other appvms, the menu, *or* dom0. ugh! (had to ctl+alt+F2 to a term and 
> kill the process from there, and that took about 5 min of sweating until 
> I remembers that key combo).
> I am now a bit worried about trying things out willy nilly. I found a 
> post about screen recording but the ultimate solution, 
> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/qubes-users/BDkZXBWnuQc/McU7_e8BAwAJ, 
> seemed a bit over my head and I dont think it recorded sound, and I 
> think its meant 4 recording all windows from dom0? Which I dont need, 
> just one appvm.
> Is there a, ahem, 'simple' way to record the snd/vid of an appvm?
> Thx!

1. Access the Console version of the OS
2. Run X from there.
3. Do your recording.

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