On Sunday, September 24, 2017 at 8:52:32 AM UTC, Michael Strasser wrote:
> Hi!
> I've been experiencing some strange issues recently, which I can't
> really pin down on anything in particular.
> * I've been getting a frozen screen after random periods of time when
> I've been using two different monitors. Usually the only solution is to
> kill my machine.
> * Sometimes (again when using multiple screens) just mouse input and
> keyboard input from my laptop stop working, although mouse input from my
> USB mouse keeps working.
> * My laptop monitor has input "freezes" all the time (i.e. after about
> 4-7 keypresses there is a delay of about 1 second until the input is
> processed), but I do not experience the same on my second monitor and I
> only experience them in AppVMs, not in dom0.
> * I can no longer put applications into fullscreen mode on my laptop
> monitor - no input is recognized and the app "freezes" until I quit
> fullscreen mode (at which point the input made in fullscreen mode is
> delivered to/visible in the application) - fullscreen mode works fine on
> my second monitor.
> I'm using Qubes 3.2 with i3, but I experienced the same problems with xfce.
> At first I thought this was a hardware issue, but I just tried booting
> Ubuntu 16.04 from a USB stick and couldn't reproduce any of the issues.
> I also just noticed that input "freezing" just happens in AppVMs, not in
> dom0.
> I have no idea what is causing these issues, I've been using Qubes OS
> since April and everything was fine, until about 1 1/2 months ago when
> these problems started to arise. I also couldn't find any connection to
> work load or anything performance related that would explain the issues.
> I also tried changing the kernel version of one of the AppVMs from
> 4.9.45-21 to 4.9.35-20 and 4.9.35-19 but nothing changed.
> Does anyone have any tips or has experienced something similar?
> I'm using Qubes 3.2, kernel version 4.9.45-21 with i3 on a Lenovo X250.
> Best regards

I've experienced many of the symptoms you describe, including the full-screen 
issue. Actually, it looks like we've had the exact same issue down to last 
detail by the looks of your post. I only partly solved mine, I'm not entirely 
sure to what extent it was solved as i didn't run benchmark tests on this 
machine, though I can more or less do what I did before now.

I've had my issue since the last couple of days/weeks? It's uncertain when it 
started, since it only appears when multiple of VM's are running, and stops 
when closing a few VM's. 

It is definitely not RAM related as I multiple of times made sure I had enough, 
however it seems it might be Processor related? Also it gets significantly 
worse if trying to stream movies like Youtube. It seems like the Qubes Manager 
doesn't record CPU useage correctly, or perhaps there is something wrong with 
the kernel, or something else entirely. 

I felt a significant performance increase back to normal, when I moved from 
kernel 4.9.35 to 4.9.45. I made no difference between Dom0/Templates/AppVM 
kernels, I upgraded all of it to the 4.9.45 kernel. 

I've suspected codec issues if the decoder of video can't handle it, but it 
doesn't seem to be restricted to video only, albeit a more smooth video decoder 
definitely would help on the issue.

Another thing that seems strange, is that I feel a slight hit on performance 
when getting back up from hibernation/suspend, as well as when returning 
AppVM's from a backup upon complete delete of the entire drive and reinstalling 
Qubes/Dom0/Templates on the drive (same machine). 

Albeit they felt small, and it might just have been my imagination. But while 
it isn't proof and may simply be a coincidence, my issues that look pretty much 
identical to yours, started when I re-installed Qubes/Dom0/Templates, and 
restored all AppVM's from the backup I made.

A few days ago, I made a brand new AppVM for my Youtube'ing just to see if it 
would speed up without freezing or lag. I used the exact same template too as 
before. And sure enough, it was much, much faster than my old AppVm of which I 
had restored from my backup around when my issues started.

Perhaps you made similar changes recently and got similar issues for that 
reason? or perhaps it's something else entirely, it's all anecdotal and 
speculation at this point of time. 

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