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On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 01:11:05AM -0400, '[799]' via qubes-users wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to switch from using VMware Workstation to Qubes to test/specific 
> software for customers.
> I want to setup a CentOS HVM and created a HVM, attached a CentOS minimal ISO 
> and installed it without any problem.
> After restart I was unable to get a Terminal window as qrexec is not 
> installed.
> I tried to boot into a normal "HVM-window" by disabling seamless mode and 
> enabling Debug mode, but I could get any window.

Did you switched "guiagent_installed" and/or "qrexec_installed"
properties? Both should be set to "false", unless you really installed
those components inside.

> Questions:
> a) how can I get a terminal window to install additional applications

Without qubes packages inside, the only option is emulated VGA window -
make sure both guiagent_installed and qrexec_installed are set to false.

> b) can I install the missing Qubes parts later on to get seamless mode 
> working and to launch applications from dom0 (qrexec...)

Not easily. Theoretically both qrexec and gui agent should just work,
but in practice packages shipping them depends on specific system
configuration - for example system being installed on /dev/xvda, without
partition table. This is improved for Qubes OS 4.0 - packages are split into
smaller parts and it is possible to install just parts you want, without
the whole system reconfiguring stuff.
Also, for Qubes OS 4.0 recently we've got repository with CentOS 7

I hope there will also pre-built template available soon.

But for now, if you're brave enough, you can add the above repository
(key for package verification is here:
and install qubes-core-agent-qrexec and qubes-gui-agent. Make a VM
backup first...

> c) is it possible to create a standalone HVM based on an existing Qubes 
> template?

Yes, qvm-create --standalone --template TEMPLATE_NAME ...

- -- 
Best Regards,
Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
Invisible Things Lab
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
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