On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 12:50:08PM -0800, Yuraeitha wrote:
> On Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at 4:11:17 PM UTC, Roy Bernat wrote:
> > Hi 
> > 
> > i am trying to download fedora-26 but with no success . 
> > 
> > i succeeded a month ago but now i am getting nothing . 
> > 
> > any suggestions ? 
> > 
> > R
> Are you running Qubes 4 or Qubes 3.2.?
> I can only speak for Qubes as I never installed the template when on Qubes 
> 3.2., however it failed for me as well. I do not recall what the issue was. 
> The only other template issue I remember by head, is the fedora-26-minimal, 
> which require a password when you try to use "sudo" or "su" etc. which means, 
> you cannot install or update anything. The password has be fixed.
> Please specify your Qubes version, and also what is happening when the 
> template fails. 
> Also, it's my gut feeling, without knowing for sure, that the developers are 
> not overly focused on the different templates right now. Their focus is 
> primarily Fedora-25 right now it seems. This is understandable, as they are 
> working hard, and maybe even overtime, to get Qubes 4 out of beta and into 
> stable final release. Before that, having just one good working template, 
> compared to other nasty Qubes 4 bugs, is good enough, at least for me, and I 
> assume most people too.
> If it's trouble in Qubes 3.2. you encounter, then you probably won't see much 
> else than security update in Qubes 3.2., as Qubes 3.2. is to be out-phased 
> when the extended support ends. Which will likely happen, my guess, within 
> half a year after Qubes 4 is stable. So unless someone provides an easy quick 
> fix, the developers probably won't spend much time on fixing Qubes 3.2. 
> templates.
> Keep in mind the Qubes tools was changed and updated in Qubes 4, so whatever 
> fix work in one Qubes version, may not necessarily work in the other.
> Another solution could be to try compile the template yourself, there should 
> be enough material around if you're good to follow guides on how to do so.

There is a Fedora-26 template available for both 3.2 and 4 - you
can see them at yum.qubes-os.org.
When you say that you are unable to download, do you mean that  you are
trying using qubes-dom0-update, or are you manually downloading a
template? There's nothing stopping you from downloading manually,
transferring in to dom0 and then installing.

On the support issue, 3.2 will be supported for a full 12 months after
the release of a final 4.0, and this will include bug fixes as well as
security issues. Of course, support will inevitably tail off toward the
end of that time.

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