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On 2017-11-29 15:03, genevieve.c.gauth...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Wed, 2017-11-29 at 15:59 +0000, Unman wrote:
>> In the Fedora documentation there ARE methods described for 
>> getting bug reports out of the install process, but they require 
>> active intervention from the user (copy to another drive or scp 
>> across network). There's no suggestion that these reports would 
>> be automatically submitted.
>> I've had a quick look through the code and i dont see any 
>> mechanism for passing on bug reports - but it was a very quick 
>> look.
> Interesting & very good to know this but that would have surprise 
> me a lot from a Qubes OS installation. Have you learned if it is 
> specific to Qubes 4.0 rc3 (perhaps the installation part has been 
> there for a long time before this release) ?
> 3-4 questions remains for me.  If you can learn those answer in the
> future, I believe this issue would have been truly investigated for
> me.
> With an "active" intervention from the user (or if I had connected 
> to the internet and submitted my report from my computer to the 
> computer receiving those reports)
> 1.1 : Does my passphrase would have been transmitted ?  YES/NO ? 
> 1.2 encrypted along the way ? YES/NO ? 2.1 : If YES 1.1, where/who 
> does the passphrase would have been transmitted/ transmitted to
> 2.2 : Who would have had access to this information ?
> I am not looking for an immediate answer. However, I am still 
> curious about all this.  Such a strange 'Bug Report' to see it
> like this.. Seems complicated to use those information to comprise
> the whole system via dom0 (that's good)

Hi all,

After checking with the Qubes Security Team, I'm happy to report that
there is no cause for alarm here:

1. For security, networking is always disabled in the Qubes OS
   installer, so you would not be able to send that bug report (or
   anything else, for that matter), even if you wanted to. Disabling
   networking during installation is necessary for Qubes to protect
   itself before it creates a NetVM (and hence before the network
   stack has been isolated).

2. We agree that sensitive user data, especially passwords, should never
   be included in bug reports. The last thing we want is for any third
   party (least of all us) to see a Qubes user's private data. In fact,
   you can think of the entire Qubes OS Project as working to ensure the
   exact opposite. :)

3. Qubes OS uses an installer called Anaconda [1], which generated the
   bug report you saw. After it performs an installation, Anaconda saves
   the data from that installation in /root/anaconda-ks.cfg. We have
   verified that the LUKS (disk encryption) password is not stored in
   this file. Only a hash of the user account / screen locker password
   is stored there (not the password itself, and not even a hash of the
   LUKS password is stored there). We have also filed an upstream bug
   report with Fedora about Anaconda including the LUKS password in the
   bug report. [2]

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anaconda_(installer)
[2] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1519895

- -- 
Andrew David Wong (Axon)
Community Manager, Qubes OS



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