On Mon, Dec 04, 2017 at 12:37:09AM -0700, Qbert Qube wrote:
> I am new to Qubes OS.
> My understanding is that TemplateVMs are for installing software, DVM
> Templates are for configuring software, DispVMs and AppVMs are for running
> software, and StandaloneVMs are kind of all of the above.
> AppVMs are based on TemplateVMs.
> DispVMs are based on DVM Templates.
> I have a standard set of Firefox add-ons that I like to install
> (particularly privacy-based ones). I'd ideally like all my Firefox
> instances to have these add-ons. I assume I can do that by creating a DVM
> Template, installing Firefox add-ons there, and then using DispVMs.
> The problem is that I also want to have different sets of bookmarks and
> settings depending on domain (for example, work, school, banking, etc.).
> Since I want persistent bookmarks and settings, I assume I need to use an
> AppVM (one per domain) instead of a DispVM, but then I can't get a shared
> set of add-ons, since it's not recommended to configure anything in a
> TemplateVM (what AppVMs are based on).
> What are my options for my use case (Firefox add-ons shared among VMs and
> separate bookmarks and settings per domain)?
> I'm guessing the safest option would be to just set up Firefox from scratch
> in a bunch of AppVMs. I'm hoping there's a more convenient solution, but
> maybe this is a case where one has to sacrifice convenience for security.
> Thanks!

What no one who has responded to you has pointed out is that you are
making a basic mistake about the use of Templates. There is absolutely
no reason why you cant configure a Template, as you like.
DVM Templates can be configured, but need not be. They exist so that you
can rapidly spawn DisposableVMs.

The simplest way to get what you want is to fire up a Template (perhaps
cloned from a base template), open Firefox in the template and configure
it as you wish - install add-ins, change search engines etc.(To do this
or at least some of it you will of course have to open the firewall.)
Then qvm-create new appVMs based on that template - each will inherit the
base settings and each can be separately configured with new add-ins.
Bookmarks will be saved on a per appVM basis.

Be aware of course that each appVM will be linked by virtue of the
common template. If you are particularly keen to keep some qubes
separate, then I would suggest using different templates with different
browsers. Just a thought.


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