Hello qubes-users

I am migrating all my AppVM from Debian 8 template to Debian 9 template  but I 
am running into little problem with split GPG.

Split GPG has been working on my computer okay with Debian 8 and two appVM;   
"work" which has thunderbird and enigmail and "vault" which has my gpg keys.

The issue seems to be if I set the vault to Debian 9,  my work appVM complains 
that it can not find my private key.  Even though if I run "qubes-gpg-client 
-K" on the work appVM it shows my keys.  Looking at an encrypted email when 
"vault" appVM is not running will force it to be started.   The problem exists 
if even I set work appVM to d8 or d9.     Work VM with Debian9  and vault VM 
with debian 8 works okay.

I have gone over https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/split-gpg to make sure everything 
is set up correctly after template change and at each step it is.

Can anyone know how to fix this?


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