On 01/24/18 12:06, Alex Dubois wrote:
On Tuesday, 23 January 2018 20:34:20 UTC, Ivan Mitev  wrote:
On 01/23/18 21:52, evo wrote:

my mouse doesn't react, nothing happens.
Can somebody help please?

external mouse ? laptop's track{pad,point} ? never worked at all or
stopped working ?

if external mouse: restart sys-usb and/or make sure that sys-usb has the
qubes-input-proxy-sender rpm package installed (dom0 should have
qubes-input-proxy installed by default).

Mouse should not use sys-usb, this USB should be for untrusted usb devices. The 
mouse should be on a dedicated controller.

err ??

I don't see what kind of security gain you get from using your mouse on a different controller (if you have the chance to have several ones, that is). The worst cases would be that:

- you use your mouse to enter sensitive stuff on a virtual keyboard; but 1- the attacker has no way to know the screen location and layout of your virtual keyboard, and 2- even if he managed to understand what you "typed" it would be very difficult for him to get that info back because sys-usb isn't networked.

- your compromised external mouse advertises itself as a keyboard and issue commands on your behalf (is that even possible?). But the mouse doesn't know which window is focused, what app you're using, etc., so the chance that its "commands" ever do something bad to your system without you noticing anything is close to 0.

In Dom0:
should give you the controller bound to it. The mouse (and possibly keyboard) 
needs to be attached to one of the port of that controller. The other ports 
should be bound to controllers attached to sys-usb.
But in general the keyboard and mouse are PS2 attached I think...

The OP mentioned having a problem with his mouse, hence the question about external vs. integrated. If it is integrated, then the problem is likely not sys-usb (except if his laptop's keyb/mouse is USB but I haven't seen this yet). If it is external, then either the mouse is broken or something's amiss with qubes' input proxy.

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