I recently installed Qubes 4 rc3 on my Dell laptop, and it seems to working 
well.  However, there's a little bit of a problem with my networking.  It comes 
up fine when I reboot the machine, and runs like a charm... but when I close 
the laptop lid, networking turns off, and I can't figure out how to get it 
restarted without rebooting.

I'm currently running KDE as my desktop, but it happened in the default as well.

I have tried the following.  In the KDE systems utilities gui, I went to power 
management and turned off all the actions on lid closure, power decline, etc. 
hoping to keep it from turning off at all.  That didn't seem to change anything.

I wandered over to the sys-net domain and looked around.  When the network is 
running, ifconfig shows the wireless interface wls5, as well as vif3.0,lo,and 
ens6.  Once I close the lid, wls5 disappears though the others are unchanged.

ps -ef | grep Network provides /usr/bin/NetworkManager --nodaemon and 
sbin/dhclient with a zillion options.

after I close the lid, only /usr/bin/NetworkManager is running.

When the network goes off, I have tried 

service networking restart in sys-net domain, and I get [OK] back, but nothing 
changes.  I tried "service network-manager restart" and "service NetworkManager 
restart" but they come up as not existing.

So... how to I re-initialize networking and NetworkManager when the crump, and 
how to do stop it from doing that on lid closing?



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