> On 01/27/18 22:12, haaber wrote:
>> Hello, all of my appVMs run on random times. I reall having had this
>> issue on Q3.2 but it comes back on Q4.3 - I forgot the solution in the
>> meantime. Qumes-Manager indicates sys-net is ClockVM. How do I configure
>> all AppVM's to fetch time there??  Thank you !! Bernhard
> Do you have a laptop and are you suspending/resuming ? If yes, do you
> have totally random times, or is the clock lagging ? You are right it is a 
> laptop that is sometimes suspended, and yes, all
times are lagging. And they are not lagging randomly, as I first
thought: this mail-VM and dom0 for example are precisely 6h late. My
anon-whonix is exactly 1h late and sys-whonix as well (so the TOR
circuit cannot be set up due to timing errors). qvm-sync-clock (run as
root) does not change anything. This observation, together with the
entire-number of hours delta suggests that I may just need to set
timeszones in each VM correctly! I try that out ... Thank you. Bernhard

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