On Friday, February 9, 2018 at 4:20:16 PM UTC-6, lemond...@gmail.com wrote:
> Without support for hardware acceleration of virtual machines, plus needing 
> specific hardware compatible with Qubes OS, what kinds of work do you get 
> done if Qubes is your main OS on primary PC?
> I want to run Davinci Resolve, which is a video editor that runs on Linux, 
> but it takes advantage of the discrete GPU, and it seems Qubes does not 
> support hardware acceleration nor virtual machines.
> So, I'm curious, for those who use Qubes, what actual work do you get done?
> I've also tried playing youtube videos but found audio out of sync and I 
> could not resize or maximize the playback window.
> I may have tried the second to latest version released so maybe things have 
> changed or will change in 4.x?
> Not being able to run VMs, Davinci Resolve, or youtube are making me have to 
> look at other options like OS X, Windows 10, and Linux.
> I was leaning towards OS X but enabling case sensitivity for the file system 
> can break certain apps like those from Adobe, or cause other problems.. And I 
> prefer linux/unix like command-lines to DOS, so kind of leaning away from 
> Windows 10.
> That leaves Linux distros like Debian, Mint, e bv  But I'm wondering how 
> secure it will be compared to Qubes?

I use Qubes as my primary OS to work 50 hours per week. I do application 
Penetration Testing full time (White Hat Hacker). I bought a Lenovo Thinkpad 
specifically for Qubes. I watch Youtube and run lots of VMs. I don't have time 
to play games and I don't need a lot of graphics acceleration so GPU isn't a 
problem for me. The OS itself is stable enough that I don't find it a hindrance 
to getting stuff done. There are small hiccups here and there, but I would say 
it is about as many bugs as OSX or Windows. 

The pain points are:
1) Getting everything installed and set-up the way I like it took a while 
(mostly because I was learning).
2) No way to share entire desktop over google hangouts or anything like that 
(you can only do that inside a HVM)
3) Some things appear take a little longer since I am used to doing them 
insecurely on Windows. (stuff like copy/paste, USB, Video Calls)

All in all, I'm extremely happy with my decision to make the switch. I'd say if 
you are looking for a new machine anyways, then get a Qubes-compatible one and 
try it out for 6 months. You can always slap an insecure OS on there if you 
don't like it.

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