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> On 8 Mar 2018, at 13:50, awokd <> wrote:
> On Thu, March 8, 2018 1:16 pm, Alex Dubois wrote:
> I think the indentation got broken, this is you, right?

Ouch yes might have been I had a problem with my mail client. 

>>> True but if the content is not accepted in Qubes... you may still want
>>> to have it in Qubes Community.
>>> An example is a page on setting up a vnc connection for remote admin to
>>> dom0... some user would want that, also you break a big part of the
>>> Qubes security. Qubes will not accept such a doc (I hope). It would
>>> reside in the Qubes-community doc in a section “at your own risk”, with
>>> a warning on the security risk and maybe a link to the PR discussion
>>> with Qubes as to why it was rejected. Now Qubes 4.4 for example comes
>>> along and they have a way to provide such service, we would be able to
>>> PR in Qubes after modifications.
>>> But I also see you point with a blank repo, it is clear and less prone
>>> to mistakes.
>>> Not sure but personally I prefer to just work on the fork. It will be
>>> more often useful and less copy pasting when submitting PR from one
>>> repo to the other (ie multiple pages updates in one PR)
>>> For new docs, it has the advantage to also implicitly help selecting
>>> the right place to host the info.
>>> The empty one will either be a mess or will have to be organised as
>>> well (with the additional burden that it also has to be aware of
>>> Qubes-doc)
>>> You can fork Qubes-community/Qubes-doc and do whatever you want (and
>>> others can access it (and know you forked) also not the reason so you
>>> could have a link to your fork in a in-progress section of Qubes
>>> community)
>>> I am naturally fairly organised and have experience of very large
>>> projects where I left sometimes too much flexibility and ended up with
>>> a mess 3 years later. So this is why I’m not keen on blank areas. But
>>> this is a community project, so I am also very interested in the human
>>> interaction factor and respectful of others opinions.
>>> If I have not convinced you and awokd, I don’t see a big problem in
>>> having both.
> Yes, that's part of that "magic" step I wasn't sure how to address. I'll
> defer to your experience on it. My hope is the wiki will make it easy for
> people to contribute too without worrying about PRs and all that, but I'm
> not sure how much admin overhead's going to be involved.
I don’t have much experience with GitHub, a bit more with git. 

True the wiki may address it. 

The best is probably to test it. 

I am snowed under at work at the moment. So maybe test between you on one of 
your existing projects and then we can discuss. 

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