On Monday, March 19, 2018 at 5:59:40 PM UTC+1, Linus Stridbeck wrote:
> Hi, I have the opportunity to by a computer (HP EliteBook) that have space 
> for two hardrives one SSD and one Sata M.2 SSD 2242. 
> I would like to run Windows on the SSD and Qubes on the Sata M.2 SSD 2242 
> From what I have read it is possible all it takes is some modifications in 
> bios.
> But is it advisable from a security point of viwe? I know its a bad ider to 
> boot from one singel hardrive but in this case i guese the Windows hard drive 
> is completely disconnected when runing qubes on the Sata drive?

It's certainly possible yes, I've done it multiple of times on different 
hardware, although I don't do it on my main hardware. Just be sure you know 
your way around UEFI/BIOS EFI/Grub.

- Firmware, while maybe exotic attacks? can be attacked, and thereby having 
anything unsecure installed on your system, from anytime in the past, to any 
time in the future, while using Qubes on it, is insecure. Once comprimised, 
it's not really something you can undo again by erasing disks or putting in new 
disks. Generally too, it's not certain when or how these kind of attacks are 
measured, so they may be more common than imagined, maybe years into the 
future? Especially when A.I.'s come around, but don't wait for A.I.'s to take 
this threat seriously, it may happen before then. 

- Qubes must also always stay encrypted, never access it from another unsecure 
operation system. 

- Password encryption must be at least strong enough so that your own cpu can't 
brute-force it. I don't think it can be brute-forced remotely though, but you 
never know.

Whether its advisable? I frankly don't know, I don't have the skills and 
expertise to tell you. But if you ask me, it can work, but it isn't something 
you should bet your own life on.

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