Hi Giulio,

> 1) Most website with a login do have https.
Yea especially now compared with a few years ago. Some still don't

> 2) Which type of files are you talking about? If we are not talking about 
> executables (i hope not) then Qubes do have disposable vms which should 
> prevent an attacker from accessing sensitive files or gaining persistance.

Mostly pdfs/documents and maybe media files, but maybe also things like
game roms to play in an emulator. Nothing super important but i still
want to avoid compromise especially if i'm transfering files to a usb
stick/another computer.

I need to get in the habit of opening files in dispvms tho.

> As a general rule, mixing any of your tor activities with your non tor 
> activities do break the very purpose of tor, especially if you use the same 
> accounts in and out.

Yea using the same accounts for things in and out of tor is pretty
pointless. It seems pretty safe tho to use the same site in and out of
tor if you're doing different things and therefore not linked? (as long
as it's not at the same time)

> My suggestion is to first try to understand what the purpose of tor is and 
> against which type of adversary you need protection and then make your 
> choices on that basis.

As far as what kind of adversary i'm thinking about here i guess ones
with alot of resources, who think using tor is inherently
bad/suspicious, and so operate exit nodes to scoop up data on tor users,
and try to compromise random users to see what they're up to.


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