Thanks Ivan.  I got /tmp increased.  Working on swap now.  With Qubes
3.2, swap on a VM is xvdc1, so it is a mounted image from the main
system.  I just need to figure out what/where that is so I can bump it
up a bit...or take the VM controlled approach you call "ugly".  :)

On Thu, 5 Apr 2018 18:53:26 +0300
Ivan Mitev <> wrote:

>On 04/05/2018 06:19 PM, wrote:
>> Hi.  I'm new to Qubes, and I have an issue.  I am attempting to
>> create a VM template for a software package which needs a larger
>> swap and /tmp space in order to install.  Where are those controlled
>> and how can I provision a Fedora VM with larger/non-standard swap
>> and /tmp?  
>fedora's /tmp uses tmpfs ; it's mounted by systemd at boot time.
>see `systemctl status tmp.mount` and
>`/usr/lib/systemd/system/tmp.mount.d/30_qubes.conf to increase its size
>alternatively you can increase the size afterwards with
>mount -o remount,size=5G /tmp/
>if you need to have a disk based tmp you'll have to mask the systemd
>unit (`systemctl mask tmp.mount`) and put a fstab entry for /tmp ; but
>maybe it'll break stuff...
>no idea about how to increase swap from dom0 on R3.2 ; alternatively
>you can add swap with a file inside the vm but it's a bit ugly:
>dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1M count=1000
>mkswap swapfile
>swapon swapfile
>hope this helps
>> Thanks in advance.

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