
I wanted to install Orientdb (https://orientdb.com/) on a separate AppVM,
so that I could only run it when needed. The Orientdb installation
instructions does not work, as it is geared towards a normal Debian (or
Fedora) setup.  In particular, the /opt/ and /etc/ directories are copied
from the template, and thus disappears after every reboot.

I therefore offer this advise (probably not optimal, but at least it works
for me):
1.  Create new AppVM (call it orientdb or whatever) from a relatively clean
2.  Make sure that Java is installed on the template VM
3.  See the installation instructions (
https://orientdb.com/docs/last/Unix-Service.html and especially
https://www.hugeserver.com/kb/install-orientdb-debian8-ubuntu16/).  Follow
the instructions, but instead of copying the unzipped/untarred files to
/opt/, put it under the user home directory (e.g. under /home/user/orientdb)
4.  To install the service, follow the instructions as given, but replace
/opt/orientdb with /home/user/orientdb:
 (a) Change the configuration file (orientdb.sh), but make the path
wherever your orientdb is placed (NOT /opt)
  (b) Modify the service file (orientdb.service) as indicated.
5.  After this, we have to diverge from the instruction:
  (a) Open /rw/config/rc.local file with root privileges in an editor
  (b) Copy the following into the file:
sudo cp /home/user/orientdb/bin/orientdb.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start orientdb
sudo systemctl enable orientdb
This will copy over the service config file and start the service every
time the VM is started up.
6.  Make sure the file is executable (sudo chmod +R /rw/config/rc.local)
7.  Open your browser, and set the homepage to http://localhost:2480
8.  Restart the VM.

While this is probably not the best way to do it, at least it works, and
will get Orientdb to run as a service when you start up the VM.

I hope this will help someone else who also wants to experiment with
document- and graph databases, and loves Qubes (obviously).



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