> Please note that the current version will probably not work with a default 
> qubes LUKS-on-LVM installation. But if some experienced user is willing to 
> help testing i'll try to come up with a version that supports this too.
> Besides the yubikey/luks stuff the module handles the rd.qubes.hide_all_usb 
> stuff via its own rd.ykluks.hide_all_usb command line parameter because the 
> yubikey is connected via USB and needs to be accessable until we got the 
> challenge from it. i am still unsure if this is the best method to implement 
> this. So if anyone with a deeper knowledge of qubes/dracut does have a 
> better/more secure solution i happy about any help.
> Regards
> the2nd

So I've screwed up... when I filled up my LVM, I added a disk to the Volume 
Group and expanded the pool.  

But I didn't encrypt the new drive, thinking I had LVM on LUKS.  But I have 
this now.
[root@dom0]# lsblk | grep -v "\-\-" 
NAME                                                         MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE 
sdb                                                            8:16   0   3.7T  
0 disk   
└─sdb1                                                         8:17   0   3.7T  
0 part   
  ├─qubes_dom0-pool00_tmeta                                  253:1    0   2.1G  
0 lvm   
  │ └─qubes_dom0-pool00-tpool                                253:3    0     1T  
0 lvm   
  │   ├─qubes_dom0-pool00                                    253:6    0     1T  
0 lvm   
  │   ├─qubes_dom0-root                                      253:4    0 192.6G  
0 lvm   / 
  ├─qubes_dom0-pool00_meta0                                  253:63   0   2.1G  
0 lvm   
  └─qubes_dom0-pool00_tdata                                  253:2    0     1T  
0 lvm   
    └─qubes_dom0-pool00-tpool                                253:3    0     1T  
0 lvm   
      ├─qubes_dom0-pool00                                    253:6    0     1T  
0 lvm   
      ├─qubes_dom0-root                                      253:4    0 192.6G  
0 lvm   / 
sr0                                                           11:0    1  1024M  
0 rom   
loop0                                                          7:0    0   500M  
0 loop   
sda                                                            8:0    0 232.9G  
0 disk   
└─sda1                                                         8:1    0 232.9G  
0 part   
nvme0n1                                                      259:0    0 232.9G  
0 disk   
├─nvme0n1p1                                                  259:1    0     1G  
0 part  /boot 
└─nvme0n1p2                                                  259:2    0 231.9G  
0 part   
  └─luks-bfcca13a-213d-46ec-b156-53df348dba30                253:0    0 231.9G  
0 crypt 
    ├─qubes_dom0-pool00_tdata                                253:2    0     1T  
0 lvm   
    │ └─qubes_dom0-pool00-tpool                              253:3    0     1T  
0 lvm   
    │   ├─qubes_dom0-pool00                                  253:6    0     1T  
0 lvm   
    │   ├─qubes_dom0-root                                    253:4    0 192.6G  
0 lvm   / 
    └─qubes_dom0-swap                                        253:5    0  23.3G  
0 lvm   [SWAP] 

With this LVM on LUKS setup, extending the thin pool onto a new disk that was 
added to the volume group... winds up leaving plain text data on the new disk.

Here's what I think my setup will have to be: 

nvme0n1 (2 drives in hw RAID 0) 
├─nvme0n1p1                       part  /boot 
└─nvme0n1p2                       part   
  └─luks (same key)               crypt 
    ├─qubes_dom0-pool00_tmeta     lvm   
    ├─qubes_dom0-pool00_tdata     lvm   
    │ └─qubes_dom0-pool00-tpool   lvm   
    │   ├─qubes_dom0-pool00       lvm   
    │   ├─qubes_dom0-root         lvm   / 
    │   └─ ... vm                 lvm 
    └─qubes_dom0-swap             lvm   [SWAP] 

sda  (2 drives in hw RAID 0) 
└─sda1                            part   
  └─luks (same key)               crypt 
    └─qubes_dom0-pool00_tdata     lvm   
      └─qubes_dom0-pool00-tpool   lvm   
        ├─qubes_dom0-pool00       lvm   
        ├─qubes_dom0-root         lvm   / 
        └─ ... vm                 lvm 

With your ykluks dracut module:
> The default Qubes OS installation is a LVM-on-LUKS setup which will not work 
> yet. Patches for LVM-on-LUKS are welcome as well as experienced testers 
> because a dont have a LVM-on-LUKS installation to test with.

I will be a tester for this.


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