On Wednesday, 15 August 2018 06:52:02 UTC-4, awokd  wrote:

> > $ qvm-create --verbose Win10 --class StandaloneVM --property
> > virt_mode=hvm --property kernel='' --property memory=4096 --property
> > maxmem=4096 --label=red --root-copy-from Win10.raw
> How large is the root created when you use this method? Default is only
> 10GB, but both your images are much larger. Try manually creating the HVM
> without the copy, resizing the root volume to match the raw size, then
> "copy Win10.raw /dev/mapper/qubes_dom0-vm--Win10--root".

Yes.  Thank you.  That did it.

Set the system storage max size to greater than the filesytem size of the raw 
dd if=Win10.raw of=/dev/mapper/qubes_dom0-vm--Win10--root

Now both boot.
I guess system storage should be a pref option in qvm-create, so we can still 
use --root-copy-from.  Or, better yet, determine size automatically and prompt 
the user to accept the larger storage size.

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