Hi I am having troubles setting up a internet connection via a wireless netgear 
internet adapter. 
Some problems I encountered:
- I believe that I have to install installation disc software via a cd/rom 
drive just like setting up on any other OS without a prior internet connection
- So I tried attaching the cd/rom to sys-net vm by clicking yellow device 
button in top right corner and it was successful although when I went into the 
sys-net vm devices to add it it wasn’t there. I also tried doing it manually 
via the terminal but had no such luck maybe I did something wrong there not 
sure though. 
- Also I tried inserting the wireless adapter w/o the installation disc first 
and it’s not registering at all on devices, but I assume that is b/c the 
software for it hasn’t been downloaded via cd hence my problem

I hope this was informative enough for a proper solution much thanks.
Sent from my iPhone

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