Hello Black Beard,

Am Mo., 19. Nov. 2018, 10:32 hat Black Beard <franziska.schle...@gmail.com>

> [...]
> I'm currently thinking about creating a separate Windows 10 partition
> besides Qubes.
> Is this feasible? Or would one jeopardize his safety in any way?

I am running exactly this configuration as I must run Windows for some
applications (ERP / VMware Workstation ...)

I'm not a security expert, as such I'd like to see someone who is more
skilled adding information if this is not correct:

The problem in a dual boot setup is, that it might be possible to tweak the
unencrypted Boot partition.
The Qubes partition is LUKS encrypted and is therefore more secured.
It could be that an attacker  is able to place "something" in /boot which
will steal the passphrase when you enter it to unlock the LuKS partition.
And it could be possible that the other partitions will be destroyed from
windows, but as you have Backups (do you ;-) , this is acceptable.

I made the decisions that I can live with this risk, still I wanted to try
as reasonable secure as possible which included:

1) having my windows partition Bitlocker encrypted
2) run Coreboot
3) Beeing able to Multiboot and launch windows without entering the
Bitlocker Recovery key

I spent lots (!!) of time getting this accomplished, but it worked.
I can send you my How-to if you are interested.

- O

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