On Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 08:21:42PM -0800, John Smiley wrote:
> I only ask because my, admittedly limited, exposure left me with no 
> confidence at all that it would protect me. I was hitting software and doc 
> bugs left and right. They haven’t gotten basics down yet, so no way I can 
> trust. Fun toy though.  

Yes, they do.
Remember though that anonymity is not the *main* aim of Qubes, which is
to provide secure compartmentalization. If you want anonymity then
there are a number of approaches you can take - using Whonix templates
is one of them.

>From what I've seen you have tried the testing release of 4.0.1. The
purpose in testing is to identify software bugs, so you are doing a good
job. Keep reporting them - remember to check if it's covered on the
mailing list or in another issue before raising a new issue.

The docs are a collaborative effort, and you are effectively testing
them too. If you find doc bugs, then you can fix them yourself quite
easily, and make things better for everyone.



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