Hello Mike,

On Thu, 13 Dec 2018 at 21:51, Mike Keehan <m...@keehan.net> wrote:

> On Thu, 13 Dec 2018 20:31:29 +0100
> 799 <one7tw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > [...]
> > But when I bring both peaces together I only get one result back, not
> > the result for all AppVMs
> > [...]
> I can't figure out why the code above only returns the first VM's
> result, but the following code works for me :-
> for i in `qvm-ls --running -O name --raw-data|grep -v dom0`;
> do
>    echo $i = `qvm-run --pass-io $i "free"| tail -n +3 | gawk '{print
> $3 }'`;
> done

with the help from you I was able to write a small script which will
generate a notification pop up if swap usage in an appvm reaches a
threshold (maxswap).
This script could then be run via cron or maybe watch.

--- 8< --- --- ---
# name : qvm-show-swap.sh
# version: 0.1
# date : 15.12.2018
# author : one7two99 + help of Qubes OS mailinglist ;-)

# define allowed maximum swap usage in Kb
# if more swap space is used in an AppVM a warning notification will pop-up

# get a list of all running AppVms (except dom0)
for i in `qvm-ls --running -O name --raw-data | grep -v dom0`;
   # get swap usage in the AppVM
   freeswap=`qvm-run --pass-io $i "free" | tail -n+3 | gawk '{print $3}'`;
   # convert swap usage from Kb to Mb
   swapsize=$(expr $freeswap / 1024);
   # Check if swap usage is > than maxswap
   if [ "$freeswap" -gt "$maxswap" ]; then
      # create a PopUp-notification
      notify-send --urgency normal --icon dialog-warning --expire-time=5000
"$i" ".. is using $swapsize Mb swap";
--- 8< --- --- ---

For a simple test you could run this script every 5 min in dom0 via:

watch -n 300 ./qvm-show-swap.sh

or you setup something like cron in dom0 etc.
Let me know if you think there is a better approach.

- O

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