zhewy wrote on 12/2/18 11:15 AM:
couple of vms that i'm wanting to share between multiple computers via a 
connected external drive. the process that i've got it working through seems 
bit convoluted at the moment - sure there's better ways that i don't know 
about; anyone able to provide any help/guidance?

at the moment - to my understanding, the method of notifying qubes about vms on a drive is 
via qubes.xml - so i'm manually  copying the <domain>..</domain> sections once 
i've connected the drive. extra fun is then each computer has different vm-ids so i'm 
having to manually craft the id to suit/fit/allocate an unassigned id at each time i'm 

anyone know of better ways to do all this?

Only thing I can think of is to share the entire Qubes installation between computers too. This can get tricky, though.

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