Btw, my next hardware purchase was specifically to run Linux with minimal fuss 
(Linux will run on just about anything if you invest the time to learn and 
iterate on fussing with it). I didn’t want to do that (been there, done that, 
too damned old to waste time) I wanted something that was as powerful as I 
could  find that also would  run Ubuntu or some othe popular distro straight 
out of the box. 

I started with a System76 Orynx Pro with almost maxed out hardware, taking a 
slight perf hit by avoiding the top of the line CPU which had vPro, 1070, 15” 
4K, 32GB, etc. I loved it at first. It was perfect except for one crucial 
thing. It would only run on the battery for an hour. I sent it back. 

Next I bought a Dell XPS 15 9575, their latest version, with maxed out 
hardware. Dell doesn’t offer that line with Ubuntu preinstalled, but the XPS 13 
does and I figured the big brother would be just as easy. No. It’s very 
different. After futzing with it for a week I returned it as well. 

I researched far and wide and decided to drop down a level and not aim for the 
very latest hardware. I ended up with a Thinkpad T480 with i7 quad core, Intel 
graphics, 2k display, 32GB memory, etc.  And it was in sale for 70% off. Done. 
I love that little guy. It runs everything with nary a compant. I tried Ubuntu, 
Fedora, Pop!, Debian, and Manjaro. They all installed and ran without me having 
to do anything special. I was about to settle on Ubuntu even though they made 
some choices I didn’t like, but for a no fuss system, it’s hard to beat Ubuntu. 
Then i discovered Qubes. The rest is history. Futzing became my new way of life 
but I felt I was spending that time fruitfully. So far am happy with the 

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