On 1/2/19 8:20 AM, John S.Recdep wrote:
> On 1/1/19 12:29 PM, qubes-fan-q7wo9g+UVklWk0Htik3J/w...@public.gmane.org 
> wrote:
>> Hi, during dom0 update I get following output:
>> $ sudo qubes-dom0-update
>> Using sys-whonix as UpdateVM to download updates fro dom0; this may take 
>> some time...
>> sys-whonix: command failed with code: 1
>> No new updates available
>> Qubes OS Repository for Dom0          23 MB/s | 52 kB
>> The update than goes as normal. What does that mean and is there any action 
>> needed from my side?
> ditto here except mine is sys-net  code:1
> fwiw

Is this also in testing  or  can someone help / advise a fix to this ?
my updatevm per qubes-prefs is sys-net   but I always thought that other
file had it set up to use  sys-whonix-14

haven't had any issues with previous  qubes updates

I am running
$sudo qubes-dom0-update  and getting

Using sys-net as UpdateVM to download updates

sys-net: command failed with code: 1

Last metadata expiration check: 0:09:40 ago on Tue Jan  8 08:59:27 2019.

Dependencies resolved.


 Package              Arch      Version             Repository



 python3-blivet       noarch    2:2.1.6-5.fc25      qubes-dom0-current
  1.0 M

 python3-kickstart    noarch    1000:2.32-4.fc25    qubes-dom0-current
  370 k

Transaction Summary


Total size: 1.3 M

Installed size: 1.3 M

DNF will only download packages for the transaction.

Downloading Packages:

[SKIPPED] python3-blivet-2.1.6-5.fc25.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded

[SKIPPED] python3-kickstart-2.32-4.fc25.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded


The downloaded packages were saved in cache until the next successful

You can remove cached packages by executing 'dnf clean packages'.

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