Hello Dave,

On Fri, 28 Dec 2018 at 19:28, Dave C <qu...@dave-cohen.com> wrote:

> I've written a qrexec script which, among other things, attempts to place
> something into the clipboard, using `xsel`.
> xsel fails, with error: "xsel: Conversion refused"

I don't know what xsel is doing. I have written a script which uses xclip
(which needs to be installed as an additional package).
Maybe you can get some info from there:

Copy content from the dom0clipboard to an AppVMs clipboard including a

--- --- ---
# name : qvm-xclip-to-vm
# purpose: Copy the clipboard of dom0 to the clipboard of an appvm
# Usage : qvm-xclip-to-vm <AppVM>

xclip -o | qvm-run --pass-io $AppVM 'cat | xclip -selection clipboard
notify-send --urgency low --icon image --expire-time=5000 "$0" "Clipboard
pasted from dom0 to $AppVM"
--- 8< --- --- ---

The other way around:

Additionaly there's a script to do the same for screenshots:


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