On 1/13/19 8:01 AM, Mathew wrote:
> Hello,
> Just to know if there is a solution for whonix-gw/whonix-ws updates ?
> Noted that I can update/upgrade sys-whonix-14 without any problems ! I have 
> to do it again after rebooting though.
> $ sudo apt-get-update-plus dist-upgrade
> WARNING: Execution of /usr/bin/apt-get prevented by /etc/uwt.d/40_qubes.conf 
> because no torified Qubes updates proxy found.
> Please make sure Whonix-Gateway (commonly called sys-whonix) is running.
> - If you are using Qubes R3.2: The NetVM of this TemplateVM should be set to 
> Whonix-Gateway (commonly called sys-whonix).
> - If you are using Qubes R4 or higher: Check your _dom0_ 
> /etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.UpdatesProxy settings.
> _At the very top_ of that file.
> Should have the following syntax:
> Name-Of-Whonix-TemplateVM $default 
> allow,target=Whonix-Gateway-TemplateBased-ProxyVM
> Example entry for Whonix-Gateway TemplateVM:
> whonix-gw-14 $default allow,target=sys-whonix
> Example entry for Whonix-Workstation TemplateVM:
> whonix-ws-14 $default allow,target=sys-whonix
> Try running in Whonix-Gateway (commonly called sys-whonix):
> sudo systemctl restart qubes-whonix-torified-updates-proxy-check
> If this warning message is transient, it can be safely ignored.
> Thanks !
> Regards,
> Mathew

what is this all about, your telling people who may be having problems
what to do, but your not having a problem? am confused

because I am unable to sudo apt-get update whonix-gw-14  which I am
trying to do because it's complaining again about time issues, and the
pop up suggestion doesn't fix the problem    sigh

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