Hash: SHA256

On Thu, 31 Jan 2019 19:12:09 +0100
Zrubi <m...@zrubi.hu> wrote:

>Hash: SHA256
>On 1/31/19 3:32 PM, unman wrote:
>> I know many people using Qubes 4 with 12GB and HDD, without
>> issues. SSD is better, but not a must.  
>Technically you are right.
>In practice, the user experience (HDD vs SSD) is not even comparable.
>The price difference is is also not an issue, totally worth it.
>I would say: today, a newly built desktop PC without SSD is a bad
>decision. Even if running a conventional OS.

Obviously, we are dealing with competing needs here.  The overall need for 
security AND the need for "speed".  Obviously, Qubes is a fairly resource 
intensive approach to security, which is acceptable as far as I'm concerned.

I am still using Qubes 3.2 for now.  I have a mixed machine...Lenovo T520 
(coreboot...ME disabled...one of the last ones where this is easy), 160G SSD 
2TB HDD, 16GB Ram.  It works quite well.  

I'm about to move to Qubes 4...

The SSD is encrypted and boot/main OS/dom0 drive, with the templates on the 
encrypted SSD but with some VM images kept on the HDD due to size.  I have 
almost filled up the HDD, so I'm a bit of a disk hog.

Even though the HDD is not itself encrypted, critical data is kept in encrypted 
containers on the appVM's with the key on a memory card.  Scripts in Dom0 mount 
the block device of the memory card to an appVM, then call a script on the 
appVM to mount the block device and decrypt the container using the key, then 
mount the container locally and unmount the key device.  All I do is remove the 
key card and stop the appVM's (or just unmount the encrypted containers) for 
the first level of "security"...when I'm away from my desk for a while, and 
don't trust the screen lock to be adequate (haha...does anyone trust it, even 
though they finally updated it for XFCE4?).  

A full shutdown then requires a valid decryption phrase just to boot up AND the 
key card to get to the important stuff...plus my machine is rarely out of my 

It may seem a bit overkill to some, but since I work with HR data a lot and 
sometimes have local copies of sensitive information (I try not to, but 
sometimes tools on my machine make my work MUCH more efficient than just using 
what my client has available),  

The stories of a stolen laptop compromising PI data (Personal 
Identification...SSN's etc...) abound. I consider this a minimal security 
scheme primarily due to the information I have access to and the 
possibility...no matter how remote...of me being lax at the wrong time and 
someone walking off with my laptop.

I also VPN to my home system where I run an openVPN server whenever I gather 
e-mails via pop access with my local client (especially the gmail ones, since 
gmail likes to block access from unknown ip's...which is a royal pain for a 
road warrior) or do certain other stuff.  I have the VPN setup on my mail appVM 
and on sys-firewall, and can run it for just the e-mails or for everything 
(except tor) as desired.  

I plan to continue with this scheme when I go to Qubes 4, except I may also 
encrypt the HDD...I just need to find enough space to put everything in the 
meantime.  :)



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