On Sat, 02 Feb 2019 14:12:53 +0100
Achim Patzner <no...@noses.com> wrote:

>Am Donnerstag, den 31.01.2019, 11:10 -0600 schrieb Stuart Perkins:
>> Some of us who keep e-mails off line have the additional benefit of having 
>> an archive of all e-mails since joining the list.  
>I don't because I immediately erase everything not interesting to me.
>But that's one of the more important aspects of Mail: The simple format
>that makes storage and searching extremely easy.
>> I have an archive going back almost 30 years with over 700,000  
>Only? I'm obviously still erasing too few. But this is the most
>important part: I still retain ownership of my data not some strange
>"cloud" thing.

Yep.  There is no "cloud"...it is just someone else's computer.  Control over 
"my" data is my main reason for such.

My current client has a court order to NEVER delete another e-mail, also from 
about 30 years ago.  My 700,000 is a drop in a bucket compared to what they 
have to retain.  I think theirs are in a database of sorts though, which puts 
them at risk as technology drifts.  Plain text files are plain text files and 
will continue to be plain text files until ...

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