On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 04:29:45PM +1100, haaber wrote:
> Are canaries now  "illegal" in Aussi law as well ???
> On 2/14/19 3:26 PM, teresardavida...@gmail.com wrote:
> > Summary: I have reason to believe the possibility that Mig5 (the new 
> > SysAdmin on Whonix project) could be compelled under federal law to provide 
> > assistance is high and the threat to the security and anonymity offered by 
> > the project could be compromised as a result is also high.
> > 
> > I recently visited the Whonix community website for an unrelated purpose 
> > and discovered something that I think in honest to good faith deserves 
> > public discussion.
> > 
> > I was alarmed and shocked to see my post abruptly deleted and my account 
> > permanently disabled.
> > 
> > I would like to post my thoughts here to the Qubes User community for 
> > further scrutiny and discussion and perhaps maybe get the attention of the 
> > project maintainer who I do see regularly participate on this channel.
> > 
> > Below is a copy paste of the submission which was deleted from the Whonix 
> > community forum.
> > 
> > [Quote]
> > This post is in no way doubting the integrity or calling into question the 
> > character of Mig5 the new sysadmin for the whonix project.
> > 
> > But I do feel it is necessary to point out that the new sysadmin is 
> > Australian (or resides in Australia). Under Australian law, he can be 
> > compelled through threat of imprisonment to cooperate with the Australian 
> > government. This law is designed to compel individuals that work on 
> > projects such as Whonix to insert or write code that permits lawful access. 
> > If a person is served with such enforcement, they are required to keep it 
> > secret or risk imprisonment.
> > 
> > This law was only recently introduced and is already being used to great 
> > effect according to recent reports.
> > 
> > While Whonix is an open-source project it is important to remember that 
> > open source does not imply greater security. One only needs to consider one 
> > of the most widely used and scrutinized open source projects (OpenSSL) had 
> > a backdoor that went undetected for several years. It was just two lines of 
> > code. It literally broke the internet.
> > 
> > I deeply regret having to bring this to the attention of the community 
> > please do not interpret my thoughts here as a question of Mig5's character. 
> > I value all contributions but believe the circumstances and severity of the 
> > consequences warrant public discussion. The bottom line is, as the law is 
> > written, he would be required to cooperate and in secret. I think someone 
> > like him, in a position he now occupies, represents a textbook example of 
> > why this law was written in the first place. In my opinion, it is not a 
> > question of "if" he is compelled but rather just a matter of "when".
> > 
> > Unfortunately it is not uncommon for Whonix to be encountered by forensic 
> > analysts who have the regrettable job of investigating computer equipment 
> > seized by suspects charged with child abuse related offenses. At least not 
> > in Australia. I can say with certainty this project already has high 
> > visibility among specific cyber investigative divisions within both state 
> > and federal AG. I do not have any classified information I can share and if 
> > I did I would not share it but I can provide some information in private to 
> > Patrick that taken to its logical conclusion would suggest this project is 
> > likely to be a high priority target for these new laws.
> > 
> > [/Quote]
> > 

Please dont top post.

Whonix does not use canaries, as you can see here:

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