On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 12:24:00PM +0000, marmot-te wrote:
> Hi
> I am stuck with gentoo with the following steps ...
> -creating a HVM with gentoo ISO
> -setup networking ... > many try in conf files without success
> And for archlinux,
> I try to follow the official docs but this seems outdated (qubes v3), I
> cannot achieve the steps
> >$ gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 0xDDFA1A3E36879494
> >gpg: directory `/home/user/.gnupg' created
> >gpg: new configuration file `/home/user/.gnupg/gpg.conf' created
> >gpg: WARNING: options in `/home/user/.gnupg/gpg.conf' are not yet
> >active during this run
> >gpg: keyring `/home/user/.gnupg/secring.gpg' created
> >gpg: keyring `/home/user/.gnupg/pubring.gpg' created
> >gpg: requesting key 36879494 from hkp server pgp.mit.edu
> >gpgkeys: key DDFA1A3E36879494 can't be retrieved
> >gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.
> >gpg: Total number processed: 0
> >gpg: keyserver communications error: keyserver helper general error
> >gpg: keyserver communications error: unknown pubkey algorithm
> >gpg: keyserver receive failed: unknown pubkey algorithm
> I also try to create a HVM with retroArch iso, successfuly setup
> networking, but, at the end of installation, a reboot is needed and
> after reboot, there is no system installed
> So, do you have any advices for installing and testing this kinds of
> distributions inside QubesOS?

You simply haven't given enough information for me to comment on the
gentoo issue. Generally, you need to run (in dom0) qvm-ls -n gentoo-qube
and note the IP address, and then configure that address and the gateway
in the HVM.

As for arch, I don't know what "official docs" you are using - the Qubes
Be aware that 3.2 will reach eol at the end of next month, so you should
be looking to upgrade to Qubes 4. I believe that arch templates will be
available for 4.
On the specific issue you cite re gpg, neither dom0 nor templates have
network access. You should retrieve the key you want in an online key,
verify its authenticity, transfer it to the offline target, and then add
it to your gpg keyring.

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