On Thu, Apr 04, 2019 at 05:13:03AM -0700, Ray Joseph wrote:
> unman
> Thank you for the trip through the qube.  Currently, sys-net is still not 
> working.  I have tried both strict and not.  And I have rebooted also 
> rebooted after the change.
> What looks odd is under sys-net device, the wireless card number is 02:00.0 
> and reports my card.  The error message states 00:14.0 which is called out in 
> the device as USB controller.
> This appears to mean it is trying to use the USB for the network IF.  
> Any suggestions?

I recall using an Acer where to get the wifi working I had to add the
card-reader to sys-net also.
Try adding 00:14.0 to sys-net, and then set no-strict on that device

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