> Can I ask why you want to do this?
> Why dont you just call notify-send in the qube? 

First some introduction:
- I have 'storage' vm. It takes storage devices (few HDDs) on startup and 
exposes them via NFS & Samba to other VMs and physical machines. Each VM can 
access just what is exported for it, rw or r/o. 
- When 'storage' is started it has to trigger assignment of block devices to 
itself (and un-assign them on shutdown). Achieving this is discussed here 
- Assign/un-assign is triggered from storage via qubes-rpc actions 

I just want to be notified on screen for each device that is 
assigned/de-assigned. And since assign/de-assign happens in dom0, 'notify-send' 
is called there. It seems clumsy that dom0 calls back 'storage' to run 
'notify-send' there, but if this is the only working option in Q4 - I'll do it. 
Will try it on next Q4 run


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